Thursday, May 13, 2010

weight wars

I just was doing some back reading in Liam blog i found out that at liams 2 month visit he was a whopping 12.1 lb but your little cuz has you beat Dylan has just weighted in at 13.4 at the two month mark. Better luck with the next baby guys :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

first shot today

Dylan had his first shot today, the Rotovirus, we are doing one a month to monitor for any signs of reaction. He did so well only got red in the face for a moment. I can't image having to do multiple shots at one appointment one band aid covered half of his little leg.

exciting things are happening this week we might be going for a over night at jamie and colin's and hopfully get to see liam's swimming lesson. then aunt sue and dad are coming to stay friday night and hang with the little man.and then brittney bryan's sister is graduating on wednesday.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dylan had his first big trip we went down to the golf coast of Florida. He did so well on the plane only was a little upset when we landed in Tampa due to the pressure change.
He got to meet a lot of family for the first time and went for his first swim. It made me think about mother's day down at camp and always seeing who would be the first in the water. in Florida you would be hard pressed to find someone out of the water :)
We also meet a possable new member of the family a Lab-er-Doddle named Cody. they also have these great "Live Oak" trees they never go dormit they grow all year around.